January Winners 2025
Fine Art
Best in Show
Betty Pilley - Winter Warmth
1st- Vicki Moran - Grundy Ranch
2nd- Beverly Squire - A California Winter’s Day
3rd- Kathy Schmitt - Afternoon Shadows
4th- Steve Wilkinson - Snowed In
1st- Betty Pilley - A Bit of Gold
2nd- Beverly Squire - Morro Bay - Storm Surge
3rd-Cathy Woolery - Bergandy Sunrise
4th-Diane Klewenhagen - Radiant Presence
1st-Kathy Schmitt - An Abundance of Flowers
2nd- Vicki Moran - Kein’s Barn at Night
3rd-Sharon Blake - Oldest Son
4th-Sherri Domenigoni - One-Room HarmonySchoolhouse
Water Media
1st-Vicki Moran - An Apple a Day
2nd- Betty Pilley - No Brushes Allowed
3rd-Beverly Squire - A Winter Botanical
4th- Teddi Oatey - Summer Time
Acrylic and Oil
1st- Guy Salts - Red Barn
2nd- Rosemary Garrison - Dusk
3rd- Carolyn Curran - Lounging Girl
4th- Sheryl Cooley - The Bombing of Beirut
Mixed Media
1st-Julie Jeregan - Old Country Store
2nd- Steve Wilkinson - Flower Wimsy
3rd- Jenny Gagnon - Ribbons in Space
4th- Linda Vivian Baranek - Garden Path
1st- Steve Wilkinson - Flower Frenzy
2nd- Cathy Woolery - Cathedral #2
3rd-Betty Pilley - Gel Print 2024
4th- Lynn Throckmorton - Desert Ocotillo
1st- Linda Vivian Baranek - Basket with Manzanita Handle
2nd-Jenny Gagnon - Ribbons in Space
3rd- Diane Klewenhagen - Pin-Horsehead
4th-Opal Larkin - Angel Cat
Best in Show
Earl McNeese - Old Shop in Mexico
1st-Earl McNeese - Winter is Here
2nd- Evan Stone - Snow Day
3rd- Sheryl Cooley - First Snow
4th-Art Majerus - Grand Canyon
1st- Sheryl Cooley - Snow Bird
2nd- Art Majerus - Landing
3rd- Earl McNeese - Sleepy Little Boy
4th- Sherri Domenigoni -Snow Leopard: Mountain Ghost
Any Time/Any Place
1st-Earl McNeese - Strolling Down the Street
2nd- Sheryl Cooley - Winter Bench
3rd-Sherri Domenigoni - Light from a Crystal
4th- Art Majerus - Choo Choo
Black and White
1st- Sherri Domenigoni - Soaring over the Surf
2nd- Sheryl Cooley - Water Nymph
3rd-Art Majerus - Bodie
Digitally Altered
1st- Earl McNeese -Bird Watching
2nd- Sherri Domenigoni - Enchanted Monument Valley
3rd- Sheryl Cooley - Winter Abstract 1
4th- Art Majerus - Landing Zone